Fair Usage Policy

Effective Date: 09/16/2024

Purpose of the Policy

This policy is designed to ensure that all users have access to our services fairly and without disruption. Our goal is to prevent misuse, abuse, or unfair practices that could negatively impact the learning experience of other users.

Acceptable Use

Users are expected to use our e-learning platform in a way that is consistent with the following principles:

  • Personal Use: The platform and its content are intended for personal, non-commercial use. You may not use our platform for commercial purposes without explicit permission.
  • Respectful Behavior: Users must respect the rights of others and avoid any behavior that might harm or harass other learners, instructors, or platform staff.
  • Content Access: Users are permitted to access course materials for which they have been granted access (through purchase or registration). Sharing login credentials or content with unauthorized users is prohibited.
  • Content Distribution: Reproducing, distributing, or publicly sharing platform content without permission is strictly prohibited. This includes videos, documents, quizzes, and any other proprietary content.
  • Platform Integrity: Users must not attempt to disrupt or manipulate the platform, engage in illegal activities, or use the platform in any way that damages its integrity or functionality.

Unacceptable Use

The following activities constitute unacceptable use of the platform:

  • Account Sharing: Sharing login credentials or accessing someone else’s account is not allowed.
  • Excessive Bandwidth Usage: Actions that result in excessive bandwidth consumption (such as automated downloads of large amounts of course material) may be restricted to ensure all users can access content fairly.
  • Data Mining or Scraping: Users are prohibited from using any automated systems (e.g., bots, scrapers) to access, download, or analyze data from the platform.
  • Harmful Content: Uploading, sharing, or distributing harmful or malicious software, links, or content that could compromise the security of the platform is forbidden.
  • Unauthorized Commercial Use: Users may not use the platform to promote or conduct business activities without prior consent from **learn.seproduct.com**.

User Conduct

We expect users to maintain a high standard of conduct on our platform:

  • Academic Integrity: Users must not engage in any dishonest behavior such as cheating, plagiarism, or misrepresenting their identity in assessments or activities.
  • Respect for Intellectual Property: Users must respect all intellectual property rights associated with the content provided on the platform. This includes copyrighted materials owned by **learn.seproduct.com** or third parties.
  • Professionalism in Communication: All interactions with other learners, instructors, and platform staff must be conducted in a respectful and professional manner.

Monitoring and Enforcement

learn.seproduct.com reserves the right to monitor user activity on the platform to ensure compliance with this Fair Usage Policy. We may take action in response to violations, which can include:

  • Temporary or permanent suspension of access to the platform.
  • Termination of user accounts.
  • Legal action in cases of severe abuse or misuse.

Suspension and Termination of Service

learn.seproduct.com reserves the right to temporarily or permanently suspend user accounts in the event of policy violations. In extreme cases of abuse, we may terminate accounts without prior notice and pursue legal remedies if necessary.

Reporting Violations

If you become aware of any violations of this Fair Usage Policy, please report them immediately by contacting us at support@softengine.com.

Changes to This Fair Usage Policy

We may update this policy from time to time. Changes will be posted on this page with an updated “Effective Date.” It is your responsibility to review this policy periodically to ensure continued compliance.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Fair Usage Policy, please contact us at:

Email: support@softengine.com
Address: Softengine, Inc. Warner Center Towers, 21800 Oxnard Street, Suite 1060, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Phone: 818.704.7000