Global Sales

With Softengine Global Sales, order fulfillment has never been easier for both sales executives and sales representatives. Place and manage orders for your clients anywhere in the world.

With Softengine Global Sales, order fulfillment has never been easier for both sales executives and sales representatives. Place and manage orders for your clients anywhere in the world.

Are you a sales manager experiencing rapid business growth and an influx of new customers and sales orders?

Finding it difficult to efficiently place orders ensuring accuracy and proper order fulfillment with SAP Business One while on the road?

With Softengine Sales Catalog, order fulfillment has never been easier for both managers and sales representatives. The Sales Catalog provides employees with a complete view of current customers, past orders, and relevant information to allow for efficient and accurate order fulfillment from mobile devices anywhere in the world.

Elevate your sales team and delight your customers!

Softengine’s Global Sales Module facilitates all of this and more.

  • Manage multiple customer carts and save them for future use.
  • Easily reorder and track clients buying history.
  • Check stock levels, prices, product details, and customer credit limits.