Course Category: Employee Portal

  • Batch Tracing

    4 Lessonsin

    In the case of contamination or recall alerts, having the ability to act quickly and effectively makes all the difference for food and beverage companies. Softengine Web Batch Tracing functionality provides customer service employees the ability to trace the product tree forwards and backwards for any batch to see what items or customers might be affected during the event of product complaints or recalls.

  • Production Room

    9 Lessonsin

    Learn how to use, setup, and configure Softengine's Production Room; also known as Cut Room. Production Room allows you to easy process your production on a mobile device. Simply select the item you want to make, select the raw material / ingredient and production room does the rest. Compatible with a ZPL label printer and digital scale.

  • Resource Time Capture

    2 Lessonsin

    Easily capture resource time. Simply start the timer in the production terminal, complete your task, stop your timer, and issue the minutes to your production.